Denis O’Brien’s Digicel Foundation Assists 60 More Special Needs Children By Providing Additional Tablets
The Digicel Foundation continues its mission to ensure that every child has access to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following its donation of 600 tablets in early June to the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities (JCPD), the Foundation handed over an additional 50 during a presentation on June 24, 2020, as well as 10 tablets to the STEP Centre.
As of June 24, the Foundation has spent over J$14 million in its push to provide special needs students with the means to continue their education online in the wake of the virus. The donated tablets also included SIM cards with data paid for by Digicel Jamaica, allowing students free internet access for one full year.
“Kids these days want to learn from a tablet and their concentration levels are higher when they use the tablet,” said Foundation founder and patron Denis O’Brien, “but also having access to the curriculum and the zero-rated websites provided by Digicel, is very important in their development.”

Read the full story at Loop News.