Digicel Foundation Donates J$8.5 Million to UHWI For Plasma-Apheresis Machine

The Digicel Foundation donated a plasma-apheresis machine to The University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), which doubles UHWI’s capacity to perform therapy on patients with COVID-19. After a J$8.5 million cheque was presented to the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the UHWI, the apheresis machine was purchased. As COVID-19 treatment evolves, plasma-apheresis has […]
Denis O’Brien’s Digicel Foundation Donates J$1 Million in PPE to KPH

The Digicel Foundation made a generous donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) to Jamaica’s Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). In a presentation on June 24, 2020, Foundation founder and patron Denis O’Brien symbolically handed over the PPE to aid the hospital in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are delighted to be involved in making this donation […]
Digicel Foundation Launched J$42 Million Humanitarian Project: Operation SAFE

Operation SAFE (Sanitising, Advocating, Feeding, and Enabling) is the Digicel Foundation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the island of Jamaica. The Foundation committed to investing J$42 million into the project to better support those in need during the crisis. As part of Operation SAFE, the Foundation partnered with the Kingston and […]